Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
[quote=Anonymous]Has this always been the case? Can a high school Junior be playing on an 8th grade team? It contradicts itself in saying it follows a grade-based system but then says high school players are eligible. Odd.[/quote

The clause was in included the 2021 Bylaws & League Rules, too. It seems that some club owners, directors and coaches on the Conference Competition Committee have stacked the deck against anyone who doesn't read the rules and use them to their advantage. Sad that winning at no cost is more important than kids playing lacrosse and having fun on the field of play. But it is what it is, just enjoy watching your boys play lacrosse!

Some of these coaches are trying to grasp on to a success they were never able to attain in sports. It's easy to see which ones are still chasing a dream that passed them by a long time ago.

Sounds like a lot of the dads too.

You can hear them every Saturday.