Originally Posted by Anonymous
Looneys will roll this year. We lost the cancers on the team and picked up some true TEAM players. Crabs and Hawks avoiding us in Spring.

Cancers? Come on. We are talking about middle school boys.

Are some MS boys friendlier than others? Sure. Are some better teammates? Obviously. Do they showboat, or hog the ball sometimes? Yep.

Do MS boys misbehave, or say notIntelligent things sometimes? Yes, and so do adults.

Each boy left the team for his own reasons, some for what they think is a better club/team/coaching staff, others because they thought they would get more playing time, or win more games, or some other reason.

My son is still on the Looney's 2026 team. He enjoys playing with his buddies, likes his coaches, has fun, and is continuing to improve his game. There was no and there is no player on the Looney's 2026 team who could even remotely be considered a "cancer" to the team.