Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Less then Kosher would be defined as a hit that is unnecessary and not warranted even in the most aggressively of called games . Hits that coaches and parents know go beyond aggressive, targeted towards hurting a child . At the time they were children, at least Express kids were , 10 and maybe 11 , playing 12 and 13 year olds . That’s in the past , it’s obviously a new year , new kids , but kids don’t forget , and the same looser Hawks parents are still there , living through there kids , it’s sad , but true !

I think you must have taken some non-kosher hits to the head in your day. The oldest kids on the team are NOW 13, so you just have to live with the Stonybrook losses. Good luck on Saturday.

Cant we all get along!!?? Everyone drive safe. Looking forward to lots of great lacrosse on Saturday

Yes!! Settle down people, and lets enjoy our kids on the field. Hawks might win, Express might win, this wont be the last time they play. Some of these kids will likely be college teammates. Cant wait for those parents to meet at the 1st tailgate and become friends then realize that they are friends with the guy that they were calling a fool on here.

Last edited by JesLax1; .