Originally Posted by Anonymous
Sorry, I don’t think anyone is trying to hurt the kids other than the coach. The tournament is one of the few tournaments that is age specific. The rules state the that cutoff for U13’s is September 1, 2007. So no matter the circumstances, if a player or players birthday is one day, one week or one month prior, that player does not qualify. If a coach decides that he is going to disregard the rule because these kids have been playing together for so long and doesn’t care, that his team is not of age, that’s his decision and he has to live with the outcome. And shame on the sponsors of the WSYL if they don’t enforce the rule. The event will slowly disappear which would be a disservice to the kids and the sport.
Why would it be a disservice end it? It is well run, but the price is crazy for what’s included. Also there are many tournaments all summer long with just as good or better competition which is all that should matter. Lax is elitest enough as is we don’t need a tourney furthering showing money is no object for way too many lax families. Keep the fluff away, charge less and just make sure the top 20-30 teams in the country are there (oh wait, I guess we already played NAL).