Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
And just a few weeks ago I told people that looneys was crumbling and about to fall apart.

Defections so far

Looking for greener pastures

What tournament is looneys playing in this weekend?
Dropped out
Canceling practice
Such a great group of 15 yr Olds and the one attack father who encourages his team to hurt opposing players
Scary thing is if they are not better than most kids by 15....where will they end up?

Where did they go?

Heard two middies and a pole were at FCA practice last night. Why would they go there? Isn’t that pretty much a lateral move? If they think they’re so much better and above everyone else on Looneys, why wouldn’t they go to Crabs or DCE?

The Pole will definitely help the team, the others will add depth and may see the field from time to time. I am sure more talent will be coming as the CH kids begin to trickle in now.