Originally Posted by Anonymous
you are nuts if you think any 2017 team on Long Island can even hang with the Turtles. They would beat any of these teams by at least 10 goals. Stop being silly and get real.

when the turtles enter a local tournamnet without being secretive about it and figure out how to repelace the 3rd grade size kids on their team; then maybe they will have a chance...until then, I can only say you're still drinking the turtle kool-aid, turtle dad. the writing is on the wall...the myth has dissolved and the mighty shell backs have failed to thrive physically...living on past glory at this point.

Have JD set up a 3 way scrimmage with the terps black and true blue and throw in 91 for all the marbles...he wont do it...he has everything to lose and nothing to gain.

there it is Turtles...an open challenge to bring it. put up or shut up, once and for all.

better yet; make your tournament schedule public so other teams can come and challenge you...(nah, why do that and take a chance at getting whipped by other long island teams?)

that is why they will hide and play teams that can't measure up to any current 2017 long island team. The real competition is right here in his back yard as evidenced by all of the kids who made brine and jake reed...can anyone say "turtle soup?
