Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
what is sad is your accusatory undertone and attempt to discredit some kids veiled in what seemed to be a innocent question of how some boys did in the "New England" region tryout, which is a bit misleading as it's clearly called the Northeast region.
You posses no facts of any kind regarding these kids situations and ignore many legitimate reasons kids would need to attend other regions (academics, family conflicts, illness, injury, etc)in your original post. As was mentioned in an earlier post the camp is more than flexible when accommodating these conflicts so whats the issue. There there seems very little room to game the system with the evaluation process they have in place and with numbers of spots you just can't fly under the radar.
Now in the case that parents attended this region to allow there kids to stand out in some perceived weakness. I can see why you would be upset, they are obviously smarter than you.

Your blithering rhetoric not withstanding; it should be clear to your uninformed mind that the long island region falls within the mid Atlantic classification. Period. Thus, let the kids earn their spots from their own regions. yes, I know what the rules say...spare us.

Smarter than me; not likely by a far shot; deceptive and disingenuous....??? Much more likely. What can be said of you, he who points fingers and labels others?

Care to retort in an equally enlightened manner, pray tell? Methinks not.

Save your breath.

I would say as disingenuous as your attempt to find out how some "kids" did down at the camp, to then what? write how proud you are they competed well or more likely tear them down. "They're" kids my friend, your attempt to discredit teenage boys is like I said. Sad..
when it comes down to it these competitive camps do not discriminate, if your good your good. If you sneak in somehow you will be exposed. with a 120 kids there will be nowhere to hide. [/quote]

your phillipic platitudes are bereft of any substantiation of the original statement. In fact, it was an assumption on your part as to the intent of the statement. It was simply stated that there were players attempting to gain more visibility via a region that is not as strong in the sport generally. You are correct in that there will be no place to hide; however, your attempts to insinuate a planned discreditation of said kids is inappropriate and inaccurate.

thank you. [/quote]

if it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck... its a duck..