Originally Posted by Anonymous
Feel free to lambast me and call us cheaters but I will share my son's story and why HE decided to reclassify. He plays on one of the top club teams was an invite to Jake Reed and other top events, but before last summer had a series of lower body injuries, which despite seeing a ton of experts, did not receive a proper diagnosis. He wound up missing just about all of his 2017 summer and all of this fall.

He wound up having bilateral hip surgery and also missed quite a bit of school this past fall. By missing most of last summer and all of the fall he had pretty much fallen off of the radar, but more importantly he felt that that his academic journey had taken a bit of turn when he was dealing with all of the pre-surgery rehab and then his eventual surgery to repair both of his hips.

If this had been a lacrosse driven decision we wouldn't have done it. I wouldn't be completely honest if I didn't say lacrosse did play some part in it. As a 2017 who missed out on the most important window of the recruiting process many of his options were off of the table, and while he doesn't have visions of playing at Hopkins, or UNC per se, after all of the hard work he wanted as many options as possible on the table.

Because he missed quite a bit of school and felt like he missed a semester he will now also be in a much better academic situation so for us it was the right decision to make.

Fell free to fire away.

Forget reclassifying, with those injuries at such a young age maybe it is time to consider golf.