Originally Posted by Anonymous
Wrong Wrong orange and extreme A tourn last year, 2nd team orange beat all A teams except express and if the third team is good enough to play in A tournaments so be it this year? lot of talent at the tryout

You love the kool aide!!!! One club cant send 2 teams from the same age group to the same elite showcase tournaments. The elite ones that are being played this season. Example: 2018 Extreme Team going to Philly Team Showcase, Orange is not. How many Orange players playing in individual Philly Freshman? I believe zero!!! FYI Orange lost to Jesters Black at lax fest I believe. Orange is good but Extreme is their premier team. Don't drink the Kool aide this poster is selling people. It's A, B, and C regardless of what they tell you. That's how you are ranked within their program. All players just tried out for Orange. There were what? 4 to 5 positions changes on 91 Extreme 2 were for the kids that went to express terps and the LSM and a Middy addition. Everyone else was trying out for Orange B and White C. That's the facts Jack!