Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Only read here on BOTC that the family and the player are wonderful people. Also read that the kid is a great player.

Those issues were never questioned or disputed by any of the posts.

I am sure we all wish the kid well.

The frustration lies with the fact that reclassifying this player hurts the chances for other players.

Life is not fair.

Hope that the other boys who are going to attend the school will work hard and in turn will bring all they have to the game.

Remember, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Let it go.

You obviously did not read the posts. The parents and kid are NOT good people. They are CHEATERS!!! They are taking opportunities away from kids that are legitimately in that grad year. Shame on them! Hope the kid fails big time, and I hope other kids snub him! Will send a message that you can't just do whatever the [lacrosse] you want to get your kid an advantage. Not everyone is in the same financial position to do that which makes it unfair and wrong. FACT!

So you're saying if you had the money you would do it too? Btw, he's not going to get snubbed. This happens all the time. Colleges don't care, most prefer it and outside of LI it is the norm.