FYI, as you refer to SUNY schools, my oldest graduated college 2012, of all his HS friends and they were graduates from schools all over the US, Michigan, Duke, Delaware, Penn IVY. I find it rather comical SUNYs are disregarded as lesser schools, but do hate to tell you the only ones employed before graduating (honestly for some it took a solid year to find employment) were the two who went to Binghamton and SUNY Maritime. The Maritime kid walked into a 110K a year starting job.

The DUKE grad is currently working at the Apple store after some employment as a bartender. The Michigan kid is working for his parents business.

And no my kid unfortunately was not one of the SUNY grads, but one of the other top ranked schools. You can be sure I won't over look the strength of Binghamton or Maritime with my other kids.