Let's all step back from this a minute, who is driving the reclassifying rat race? Club owners. Clubs want to have winning teams because it is good for the bottom line. Older kids tend to beat younger kids. They also would love an additional year of club fees and other fees from daddys who dreeeeaaaaaammmm of junior playing D1 lax, and will fly all over the country (if you play on a national team) whenever they are told to so the club can win against other younger teams.

If your kid is good and a good student, he can play D1 lacrosse without staying back. If you keep your kid back for academic reasons then maybe he should not contemplate playing a D1 sport and missing a lot of class in college. Just sayin'.

You just might keep your kid back, make him go to classes and play with younger kids and he still might not get a call from JH, ND or Yale. It has to be considered.

There are kids who spend big money on prep schools and end up DIII. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but I don't think that was what the plan originally was.

Why not tell your kid to open up the books and hit the gym instead of opening your checkbook?