Originally Posted by Anonymous
I would hope that anyone with a sense of the pride and tradition of the game of lacrosse would not come on a forum and bash the Lake Placid Tournament. After the Vail Shootout, it was the only game in town for years and was a tournament that everyone aspired to play in for the overall atmosphere and experience. I might be nostalgic, but I think it still holds that mystique to people who have been around the game for years. You compete hard, but at the end of the day friendships are forged and bonds are created that last for years and decades, that is why people have been going back for 25 years, that is why Lake Placid and Vail will always have a special place in this game. It is a different time and it is a different sport, but you are still an athlete and when you go into town you are walking in the same places that Jim Craig, Eric Heiden and Mike Eruzione, among others walked. That humbling experience alone is why as an athlete you go to Lake Placid, the tournament is not about self promotion but about promoting the game. Something I think we need more of.
Bob Bohanan Annapolis, Md

Bravo, Bob! People have lost sight of things. We were recently at the Brine and for this age it is not a recruiting event. One parent said "what a waste to come here." Because there were no coaches.