Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
If he is 15 and hasn't reached puberty yet then something is wrong. How tall is he? How tall are you and your wife?

6'4 and did not grow until 11th grade! Nothing is wrong. Kids with late birthdays will develop later than holdbacks or early birthdays. How tall wife is irrelevant for when a kid hits puberty!

One of my work colleagues has a son who plays football at Vanderbilt...not the super big time, but a D1 school. He told me that nearly every coacch who started to recruit his son around 15 years old asked "how tall are your parents, aunts and uncles?" and "did your parents or any of their siblings play college sports?, if so, what and where?"

I always think about that on the sidelines here in Maryland. I have an older HS son who went through the whole club and schools scene, and I was always amazed to look at what were the U-15 top shelf kids, then I'd look at their parents and think, woah, that won't work. Dads who maybe played a little HS sports and Moms who look like they might have done some gardening for exercise is all. I've tracked these thoughts now that these kids are older, and many are committed to top D1 lacrosse schools, and it is pretty clear I was right. The parents and older siblings are almost always a perfect tell for what the kids look like as they even out to fully grown and are who they are size and athletic wise. If I were a D1 lacrosse coach compelled to recruit early, I'd recruit the U-15 players who could play but also look for kids who had parents who were accomplished athletes as well. If you are going to project, that is a great hedge.