If you are no longer on a team why do you feel the need to bash? You had a bad season, year, don't like the coaches, club etc. that is you- not everyone. Try outs are over and many new families are now on teams that others disliked for whatever reason. The experience may be quite similar or very different, but they can find out themselves. To continually bash a 3rd grade team, which was a second grade team last year is pathetic. Time to move on and grow up. My boys are much older and for the life if me I am not sure why so many people want year round lax for the little ones. My sons athleticism and skills came from other sports as well as lax. Learn to be agile from soccer and aggressive in hockey, to run fast in soccer and baseball and to hit hard in football. Maybe there are families that want their kids to play lots of sports and practicing once a week is enough for them right now. Your complaints are not what is important for this team- as you left. Enjoy your new team.