Originally Posted by Anonymous
The problem with these Travel teams is that the Parents lobby to get their kid on the team instead of letting the kid earn the spot. My older son plays for a legit program for the last 5 years and I've seen a steady move where the parent calls the coach "complaining or lobbying" to get their kid on the team when he clearly wasn't good enough to make it. You know who you are. Then all you hear on these boards is how my son didn't get a lot of playing time or a chance to show what he has. Or the coaches aren't being fair. What ever happened to letting a kid earn what he deserves. Stop getting in the way by being "that" parent and expecting your kid to get the playing time or respect he didn't deserve in the first place. Wake up! I have a little one going into 2025 now, lets see if this continues.

Maybe your kid isn't good enough and gets out hustled, maybe "that" parent has out hustled you too!