I respectfully disagree. I also believe that you are sincere in what you've written because you are a mature adult that couldn't fathom writing such garbage about eight and nine-year-old children. That is the majority of Taz parents. However these people do exist on every team. What they don't realize is that the coaches know exactly or at least have some idea of who their trouble makers are. These are the parents on the sidelines and at practice whispering and planting seeds causing chaos and havoc. Dont for one second think there is some loyalty amongst the other parents? Parents have and will sell you down the river in a second. Either because they realize you become a cancer or because they just want to get on the coaches good side. Either way it doesn't matter how good or even great of a player your child this. We live on Long Island, great players are a dime a dozen. Food for thought, tryouts are right around the corner… If your son doesn't get asked back to play, he might have you to thank for that. Oh, and that group of parents that you thought rallied around you, they'll be waving you goodbye.