Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
FYI My kid starts on the A team. Put your guns away tough guy. I was waiting for the first reply to this post. You are definitely one of those parents that makes the calls. Don't worry little johnny will get his jersey so you can run around and tell everyone he made the team. YOU ARE WEAK

Yeah right, he starts on the A team (sure he does) and i'm sure the other kids who' have parents call up behind your back are keeping YOU from getting a fair look from Petro. Too funny.

I'm weak, really? You hate on the other parents of your team and then me. You must be great at the team picnic.

There is only one problem, my kid does his own thing so it is his own so it his HIS success, you blame others. And your 2025 plays too (A team is a lock) so that guarantees us so many more years of you whining, just fantastic!

your 2025 sons are entering 2nd grade...GO AWAY. They'll hate you both by 6th grade