Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Lmao dad or mom I think you know. Who in their right mind would come on here and say I heard a really good x attack. Dad you just want to see if people would say if your kid is good. So people know who you are. So when they see you this fall just remember we are laughing behind your back.

No, this is not necessarily the parent of the player who made the previous post. One numerous occasions in the past, comments have been made on this board about players which have appeared to be self-serving but were actually done by an uninvolved party either innocently or because of an agenda. So find the truth before you accuse or laugh at someone behind their back Detective.
Not the kids dad, a dad on Ambush, and looking to see who this kid is. Turns out he isn't from Express, moved in from out of State. Would be a nice pick up if they got him. Very low turnover on Ambush this year.