Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Ambush is going to young guns and are in the B division and are playing against the fighting ducks, jesters, messa b team and other terrible b/c teams. They are staying clear of good teams. They had a chance to play in the top division but chose to play terrible b/c teams. At NLF the bet is they will play b division. Shore point is a b /c tournament. So taking your post claiming that B teams play in the B bracket and A teams play in the A bracket how do you explain young guns where ambush will be playing b division and nlf where they will play b division. By your own definition ambush is a b team playing in the b division.

Look who is talking out of their A$$. There is no AA bracket for 2021 Young Guns. Ambush signed up for this tournament back in February/March. Name the tournaments that they should be playing in.

No wonder you think ambush is good. Just because a division is called "A" it does not mean "A" teams play in it. Enjoy the win when you play the fighting ducks in the playoffs. Why is it that ambush is ALWAYS in the weak tournament or weak division? Always by mistake or by accident. The mistake or accident never results in ambush playing good teams. Always and angle. Your director knows ambush is a b team but tells you they are in the best tournaments. Good luck this year. You will never understand because you ignore facts and believe what you want to believe.