The New classification "aa" or "a" is politically correctness for A or B , all clubs are doing this now because the dilusional parents feel a [lacrosse] of alot better paying for a letter that Sounds better for their low self esteem building then for the reality B is 2nd best.
Parents (the consumer)are the biggest issue with every club , more so then the player doing all the work , constant nagging and never any patience . Clubs once again found a marketing strategy that people bought into , although MC is a complete used car salesman when it comes to taking any kid , he sure knows how to keep them biting on the hook year in year out.

quote=Anonymous]Express B parents have been told this year the B team is an A team. So they will have AA and an A team. No B or C teams. This was a C to C minus team last year. What would make them think they could jump to the A status so fast? Parents get the same speech each year. Things will change from last year and the team will be an A team this year. At some point you can't blame the organization and have to blame the parents who come back every year hearing the same promises each year.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Would not say Most will be back on A team and as far as their 2nd team word to the consumer is "Stay Away" the kids who were cut from 1st and moved to the 2nd team have made their calls and found homes already, it will be a skeleton crew of a team and MC will sell how great it is to play for express to the ones who need a seat to sit in as time goes by. His sparkly smile and a handshake and pat on the back only last until all payments submitted. We have seen this program fluctuate through the years in this age group. He will ruin you more then do good.

Originally Posted by Anonymous

No they are not imploding. Most will be back. True kids are going to tryouts for other teams but the good teams are cutting these kids. If they want to fall to a weaker team they may leave but most won't leave for a weaker team. They did add some icon players but still have not fixed that very weak defense. All defenders will be back because what good team will take any of them? Goalies are always very strong. Attack Is stronger this year. This team will be a little better this season. But won't challenge for the top spot.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Express 2021 is imploding, many players are looking to jump ship finally.

Originally Posted by Anonymous
Heard that a Express kid is joining Ambush. Any truth to that? Supposedly he is a really good x attack. At least that is how it is being spun.