Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
There is one aspect of the girls game that they need to fix ASAP. Get rid of the draw, please. Do it to start the first half and second half. That's it, then let them start with possession after every goal scored.


Because it has too much influence on the game for such an insignificant event.
so should hockey get rid of the face off after every goal because Basketball doesn't do it? Obviously it's not an insignificant event if it influences a game, seems pretty significant. A team down by three can quickly come back if they have a good draw girl. As far as the 60 x 40 field., no good offense is going to pack all there girls into the 12, thats only 14 yards from the goal line, and not enough room to work. counting the crease (3 meters) and room to work (at least another 3 meters) plus the girls at X (another 5 meters) if you square that up thats a 25X25 yard working area of a 40 X 60 yard field. not exactly packed into the 8 (10x10 yards) and still plenty of room to roam. Could fit another attacker and defender if you wanted to and still have room. with your Hockey reference to 3 v 3 being more exciting, A hockey rink is about the same size as the attacking zone below restraint line, and half of it isn't in use at any given time. That being said Hockey full strength is pretty energetic and thats 11 people in half the area on any attack play so your analogy makes no sense. But this is neither hockey nor Basketball so lets take Lacrosse as Lacrosse