Some great points!
Your top 100 players all have the same four or five schools on their list. The other coaches have their hands full. For Stony Brook to compete with these schools is very hard. JS does not have the INDOOR buildings that these other schools have. He sells pride for where you come from! Go to Florida SUNSHINE, USC SUNSHINE, The other schools mentioned have big sports programs Football,Basketball easy to sell this to young ladies. I know you don't like JS but you have to tip your hat to him. I for one think that if you are from Long Island and send your kid anywhere else you want to see him do bad as well as the players. GROW UP. The top players from Maryland stay home and play with PRIDE. OK STONY BROOK (JS) MAKE LONG ISLAND PROUD I'm going to come out and watch. I wish more Long Island kids and parents would take a look at Stony Brook it is a good school and I am a proud Long Island Lax parent! You want to leave Long Island fine but stop bashing JS and Stony Brook, these girls and coaches are doing a GREAT job and I hope to see them in late May on their field.