Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by baldbear
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by baldbear
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Most kids going to Ohio, Penn St. and Jacksonville couldn't get into Amherst! No comparison academically.

And most kids who go to Amherst could not survive socially at those schools. Say what you want but when the y say the school is very diverse they are actually saying it is filled with foreign students and a lot of alternative lifestyle choices and about as liberal a school as you can find. Not saying there is anything wrong with that but can make for a very lonely college experience if that is not your thing.

An Amherst student would not "survive socially" at Ohio State, Penn State or Jacksonville? What does that mean? They couldn't drink alcohol as well? Amherst is full of foreign students? I'm sure there is far more at state schools than Amherst. So let your student be "social" and then work for the Amherst graduate. This is the single most stupid comment I've ever read on this thread.

Actually was trying to be nice , Amherst is filled with social misfits , many almost bordering on being classified on the spectrum of autism , very smart kids but socially awkward . I am an alumni of the school and yes the school is still very well regarded academically but would not want my kid at that school. You snobbish people are hilarious acting as if the University of Michigan , Penn States of the world are terrible schools . If your kid wants to go to med school , law school etc and wants a large school experience they should picks school that meets those standards . If your kid is in to poetry readings and raging against the man Amherst is the place to be .

Unhinged. I feel sorry for you. Speaking from a lacrosse prospective check out the bios of the lacrosse program. Fantastic girls.

If your being honest from a lacrosse perspective it's barely a step above club lacrosse . Nothing wrong with that if that is what you are looking for . Bald bear you are obviously a fan of Amherst but you sound like a snobbish fool when you state generalized things about any student that can get into an Amherst type school but elects not to .Its not for everyone for many reasons . Both my sister ,a lacrosse player , and myself are Alumni , and can tell you neither of us will send our kids there .

Generalized things? You have reduced an entire college to poetry readings and "raging against the man" and alternative lifestyles! I could care less about Amherst but your generalization that "most kids who go to Amherst could not survive socially at these schools" is ridiculous. I'm sorry you and your sister did not have a good experience there because obviously something occurred for you to make your "generalized" statements. You characterized the school as misfits, autistic and socially unfit. I never said any bad things about any school--Michigan, Penn St or otherwise. That was your implication. I simply said you have to pick the school that is the best fit and if your child could get into Amherst or any number of good schools go for it.