I think some are selling SB short on what they offer.

Great Home Stadium w/ some games with great crowds for women's lax.
Great new training facility
Great Coach
Great tuition
Top 5 Team
Very Good School
Soon New Indoor training facility
*Close to Home if needed.
*Parents can watch every home game.

Campus not great
College Experience (But I am sure the girls on the SB team have great college experience together.)
On Long Island (if you want to go to school away.)
*Close to Home
*Parent can watch every home game.

But for Middle Class parents with talented girls it is a home run if you are talented enough to play there. Yes Virginia, Duke, NC, ND, etc are beautiful campus and top of the line schools, paying for them is no always an option no matter how nice it would be to go there. College is what you get into it. I would be curious to see the transfer rates and rates of sport drop out in those schools compared to SB. I would agree there is a certain WOW factor for a lot of schools, but it is tough to beat SB for the bang for the buck. Young daughter, but I would sign up for SB now if I could. Just my thoughts.