Originally Posted by Anonymous
Trying to figure out what is more amusing, reading some of these threads that are clearly posted just to start trouble or the people that respond to them who are trying to justify it. I am pretty new to the sport as a parent 1.5 years with travel and I have come up with a few things.

1. Lax parents are just like any other sports parents. You have good ones, and you have bad ones.
2. The good ones want what is best for their kid and the team they are on; they realize having their kid on a team especially at a high caliber can teach them good values and become a good person.
3. The bad ones feel they need to give their kid an edge no matter what it takes and like to cause trouble when something doesn’t go their way. (This is a majority of people on the thread that post negative things)
4. I find it fool that people actually hold their kids back a grade, in some rare cases two grades just so they can be bigger than other kids. I am not talking about the kids that are born in June or July that make develop late, I'm talking about kids born in the Spring and Winter. You think you are helping your kid by doing this? Clubs who allow this should really just want your money they do not care about trying to develope your kids into a better player (Crabs, Hawks, Rhinos, Red Hots, 3D New England just to name a few)
5. US Lacrosse has no backbone at all. The are a governing body who doesn’t govern.
6. You son is not going to get a full sport scholarship, they have 12.6 scholarships to give out to 30+ kids on a college team. There are only 70 Division 1 programs in the entire country. That is 2100 Division 1 players and there is only a total of 882 scholarships to go around to all of them. I'll let you figure out the math from there.
7. They need to take down this forum right away. It doesn’t serve a purpose but to start trouble, plus it is probably the most out dated website I have been on since 1999.

Besides that have a blessed day!
you are a hammerhead - lecturing everyone about stirring up trouble while you do exactly that. get lost.