Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
At the risk of injecting dispassionate logic and evidence into this Algonquin Roundtable of youth lacrosse banter, the comment re youth sports participation rates made me do something foolish, like check out some of the relevant data and reporting. It's kinda grim. I don't know the answers to the problem, but I have to assume that "it's all holdbacks" or "their kid got cut, f 'em" is good for the growth of a youth sport I'm guessing everyone commenting here likes enough to come here in the first place. I guess part of the answer is some sort of regulation - not EU-level, but something, anything, that broadens access beyond current numbers, That's unfortunate b/c I'd bet real money that won't happen given the private equity money involved.


As I chirped earlier, it's (I think) a unique situation where there is value (to the few) to keep the sport elite and not being played in PE classes in public schools K-5 nationwide. What if the Poors learn to play! Soccer and the martial arts clearly decided on going the opposite direction.....train everybody and FIND the elite talent for further development.

Martial arts? Tennis? What is happening here? I actually miss the Preds troll posting.

There’s one guy(s) whose been trolling talking to himself for several pages trying to push an agenda that Lacrosse is bad off because of holdbacks. This distraction about random sports is just an extension that on age sports are doing better than lacrosse.

Their ultimate plan is to somehow destabilize The NLF which founding organizations are driven by holdbacks.

That’s fine and would probably gain some traction of it wasn’t so mind numbing-ly irritating.

It’s really just the people who run the World Series trying to strengthen their product - IE make more money.

The Circuit tournament and the age poll USClub Lax are all roped in.

It’s fine. We get it.