Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Lots of teams relatively new to the 2028 scene at the Circuit next week, but I'm expecting to see a lot of familiar faces with players from the top traditional programs hopping on these squads.

Which of these national teams are the DMV area kids playing for?

Eighteen, Red Hots, Project MW, UNRL, etc.

Color me skeptical but I have difficulty seeing most of these Circuit “national teams” cobbling together a true all-star roster in the Fall. By that I mean a team that would be highly competitive at a mid- to top-end summer tourney. Will they find players to fill the squad? Of course. Is it going to be the kind of quality competition that a star Baltimore or DMV player should have FOMO over? Highly doubtful. The fact that MadLax, 2Way, True, or other quality national teams aren’t participating is telling. Sure, BBL is legit. But that’s about it.

It should be interesting to see how many NLF players are on Circuit teams. I saw a number of them already at a prior event this fall. The traditional all-star teams like True and ML Nationals kids have already joined teams like 3D and Red Hots. These families run from team to team as fast as they can. Red Hots had a number of Nationals helmets out there. I guess they are all figuring out which roster gives them the best chance to play and win.
There's a few kids playing for Nationals who aren't even starters on average club teams in the Baltimore area.

You've gotta think that the ML-Nationals lawsuit situation and the related bad publicity turned off some parents of Elite players who might otherwise consider joining.