Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
All the best players in the past are holdbacks

Really? Better check your facts. 2024 91 Wolfpack is best team in 2024 over past 10 years. #1 ranked team 3 out of last 5 years. Won NLF aNational Championship 2 out of last 3 years. Over course of 10 years, had one holdback. By Maryland dates, not a holdback. By LI standards, he’s a holdback by 4 hours. Other than that, no holdbacks for Wolfpack. Ever. No new players in past 3 years. Most of team same as 10 years ago. Don’t believe it? Go on IL. It’s all there. One of the all-time best club teams did it with zero holdbacks. Something to think about.

I have no real knowledge of Wofpack other than that they exist, but if what you say is true it speaks to player development.

Most of the best teams have the following model which parents don't seem to understand:
1) Do everything to win today (play a zone defense, leave starters in, give it to the big kid 10 times a game. etc)
2) Tell parents "we develop players" so parents think their kid will get developed but they don't so new "big kids" or skilled players developed elsewhere come in.
3) Kids originally on the team that aren't "the big kid" or the "super athletic kid" get filtered down to the B team.
4) Repeat
5) Collect checks and fill the B team to actually make money.

I've seen this with both of my kids, it's not real complicated. If Wolfpack has had all of the original kids it speaks to development and not the model above. Nice work.

I wasn't the original poster BTW.