Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
They changed the schedule at adrenaline.

Yes Madlax is ducking 91 venom but at least they aren’t playing the 29s anymore.

Interesting to see how the WCS game goes.

Not well. Madlax dominating possession, 5-3 final.
But WCS are the second best team in the country, just behind Madlax.

Hilarious— Madlax isn’t even the best team in the mid Atlantic, let alone the country. They have to worry about their neighbor at Next Level before they even think about Hawks or 91 Venom. The rotating west coast all star team prob isn’t even the best in the west. WCS tied a bootleg 91 team from Georgia, lmao.

Why are you calling 91 GA bootleg?

Man lacrosse parents can be the most arrogant elitist fools of all Time.

Hawks played Team 91 South, made up of the top 91 players from southern states, including players from 91 Georgia and beat them 13-0. So yeah.. bootleg might be the right term

My son plays WCS. Currently at the airport waiting on our flight home. This was not our top WCS squad, missing many players. If we brought our top team, we beat Madlax by 5. Madlax actually quite unimpressive. They have 3-4 top players they rely on. Top 5 team maybe? They certainly are #1 in self promotion. I’d be more nervous playing 91venom or the Annapolis Hawks maybe.

Good luck to everyone this upcoming year

99% chance this was just a troll, but I love the idea of people flying coast to coast to play with a crappy skeleton version of their team.