Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Ok, I have read the Next Level roster controversy and would love to hear from someone who knows the specifics. In the meantime, here are some general facts and educated guesses:

(1) a player definitely cannot be rostered on two different HoCo teams, especially the A and B team within the same program; happens all the time in tournaments, but not HoCo; no team would be dense enough to submit rosters with duplicate names, so if Next Level actually did try to cheat with blue players in a red playoff game, they would have slipped them in without being rostered at all;

(2) that is not Next Level's style and I would be very surprised if they did so - but if someone from ProStart or Predators knows the facts, prove me wrong!

(3) it is probably a case of circumstantial evidence - Next Level red over-performed in the playoffs, and Next Level Blue surprisingly missed the playoffs so their players were available, and somebody probably jumped to conclusions;

(4) it is unlikely that someone from a Baltimore team like Predators or Pro Start would recognize Next Level Blue players; those teams never play Next Level Blue, and they are from different geographic regions; the BLC, MadLax, and NL families all know each other, but Predators and Pro Start walk in different circles;

(5) it is also unlikely that Next Level parents would admit to illegal players if there were any chance NL was guilty; usually parents play dense and run for the hills in that situation; but often if they know their roster is 100% legit, then they will feed opposing parents bad information to egg them on to embarrass themselves with an unsuccessful challenge;

(6) if Next Level did use illegal players, then they deserve to get caught, and DQ'd and all the shame; there is precedent - HoCo has actually re-played a game a couple of years ago when a team brought down a goalie from an older division;

(7) it is suspicious that someone started the thread with "go easy on me, I am new to the BOTC" - sounds like a pot stirrer to me.

But let's hear some facts!

FACTS -- every single kid that played in HoCo playoffs for Next Level Red has been playing with Next Level Red all HoCo season.

Yawn. How can there be more than wl2 parents each from NL Red, Predators or Prostart on this board.

Fact: No one on this board cares about Predators.
Accusation: NL double roster.
Fact: Based on the Hoco site, Predators beat all of these teams including whichever combination of NL kids. So it's moot.
Fact: No one still cares about Predators.
Fact: Even fewer people care about Prostart.

Conclusion: This is a boring discussion about AA ball.
Gotta love when the Elite "Holdback" Dad craps on every division below Elite. Get a life buddy. I guarantee there are kids in AA/AAA way better than your holdback son. Won't be long until roles are reversed. Karma!