Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
If reading correctly, it’s a 16-18 month window they are targeting. Which in my opinion is not that different from what we have today. Of course there is a couple “double” holdbacks out there but most are summer birthdays that are well within that range.

What am I missing here?

You are correct.

There are going to be a handful of fall 2008 birthday holdbacks. But not really that many. Those kids would be out of luck.

The majority of the kids I know who aren’t on age are somewhere between April and August of 2009.

What’s proposed by both the circuit and the NLF really doesn’t change much of anything at all.

Window dressing. The problem are the kids that are 16-18 months older. They aren't fixing anything at all. Still elite rich lax dads running the show so their kids benefit.
We see right through this.