Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
It’s tiring listening to this holdback idea over, and over, and over again. For the record, my kid just turned 11–he’s VERY young for 2028. Officially, the cutoff is August 31 for age-based lacrosse. So, kids who are “on age” should be 11, getting ready to turn 12 Sept 1. If they’re already 12, they’re technically “held back.” If they’re an old 11, they’re still legit 2028.

Would I rather my kid was a Sept birthday Vs May? Of course... go read The Outliers. Great book that addresses this. But as it is, Lacrosse is primarily a grade- based sport. Get over it. There would be kids that are up to 364 days older than yours if it were age based, so be it. My kid is likely younger than 80-90% of the kids in this 2028 level, but it makes him better. Swim or sink.

The reality is kids getting held back removes opportunity for kids who are on age, period.

I think those that hold their kids back should own it but they don’t. They talk about how good their kids are, others should get over it etc.

Just own the fact that your kid wasn’t smart enough for school or athletic enough for 2027 because that’s what you actually think when you hold them back.

Otherwise just be quiet, my kid is good enough and smart enough even though he’s a year younger!

What an absolute fool you are. I wasn’t thinking about lacrosse or if my kid could identify colors as a toddler when we decided on another year of Montessori school. The biggest factor was our family dynamic and where he fit in school with his siblings. The second factor was that he's a boy and boys develop later than girls and I wanted his frontal lobe to be more developed when he navigated a coed high school. No one cares but you that your son isn’t good enough for you. Your outlook certainly doesn’t help him. My son has played up - sometimes two years - in every sport, including lacrosse. I’ll happily own that he misses the cutoff by 44 days and that those 44 days give him an advantage. His biggest advantage though is that he’s an awesome athlete and an even better kid.

These parents who whine and complain that their sons are being held back from their true potential by summer birthday kids. “If only there were no summer birthday kids my son would really shine and be a star! Life is so unfair!”

Maybe your son’s talent and your attitude are connected.

Well if you held him back, he didn’t play up, he played on age. Second, by your reasoning all boys should be held back.
Your defensiveness is telling.