Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
On day 1, Madlax Nationals beat #16 and #18 seeds out of 19 teams (combined 0-9 at Naptown). Lost to #8 seed 3D Georgia team that didn’t beat anyone else with winning record. Madlax won rematch vs 3DGa on day 2. Then beat #17 seed. Then got smoked by #4 Red Hots before using weather delay as excuse to ungratefully quit mid game. Other semi-finalists waited it out. Hope the fly-ins got refunds.

“Ungratefully quit” is pure genius here - fantastic work, no notes.

Definitely curious to know what the score was at the weather delay. Perhaps they quit because the 3-0 forfeit loss is better for their ranking than whatever the score would have been.

The score was 3-0 in the first half when the weather delay happened, and apparently MadLax quit at that point. Yes, avoiding a bigger loss for US lacrosse rankings or for general program reputation is a good hypothesis. But I have no idea if that is the actual reason or not. I hope someone who knows the facts chimes in!

This is a completely on-brand move from Madlax. Meanwhile, my son's team (which lost in the quarters) would've gladly shown back up and competed until the final whistle no matter the score. But we're not raising a bunch of quitters.