Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Can someone define what a holdback is? If a kid has a summer birthday and his parents understandably have him do an extra year of preschool does that make him a holdback?

To be sure, 6 months can make a difference at this age, but if you failed to understand or learn about childhood development and pushed your kid into kindergarten so he could be the youngest in the class for some reason then you made a bad call and that’s on you.

If you hold your kid back in middle school and have him play with his new grade then that’s weak. That kid is now a holdback and should be called out.

I just want to clear this up so everyone can either relax and appreciate their son’s work ethic and commitment or stew in their own bad parenting decisions. One choice is for winners...

What parents do is their business summer holdback dad, It is getting an advantage in YOUTH sports that other children born on the same day dont get. I always say, Everyone should be allowed to play down a year if they want, irregardless of grade. Then it would be a fair youth system, but then, you holdbacks wouldnt get an advantage in youth

Anyone who thought it was a good idea to put their kid in kindergarten so he could turn 18 the summer after his senior year is a Camaro driving stunad, but if it’s that upsetting to you then you should hold your kid back. I remember playing against a kid with a moustache when I was 12. He dominated and it felt unfair. By 8th grade he was average and by high school nobody heard from him again. Your kid is in 5th grade. Relax. Hold him back or stop complaining.