Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
The fool part about this entire thing is that this 2028 team is putting all their hope in that they will be the blue chip recruiting class of that club.

All their hope? Please. The 2029 squad has arguably more talent.

Oh please. Stop with the 29s. Another mommy ball Coppermine team. Coaching turnover for 2 years running- feed the ball to the top 2 girls and forget the rest. No player development. Coppermine is out over its skis when it comes to late middle/early high school.

Would love to know who you are. This must be a D1 final 4 coach. Sw struggles 27-31. M&D is in trouble with 28. 29 is not elite even thought daddyball Jim and Mommy call Amanda are taking a Heros player and a Coppermine shooter. Heros has been the most consistent. Parents are the problem with the whole club scene! Lose a game or little Suzy isn’t the start people wanna jump teams. The good ones on the parent sideline are usually the ones that know team sports and let their kid experience the ups and downs. You people are the ones responsible for diminishing number of coaches and refs. Might move my kid to golf or tennis.

I bet you don’t even see the irony in your post…