Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
This forum is so toxic. The fact that an adult/parent would spread lies about 7th grade lacrosse on here like they have is unfathomable. They need to require a login with your name instead of anonymous posting. Guaranteed that would change how people behave on here.
Then why didn't you create an account with your name and make this post?
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
This forum is so toxic. The fact that an adult/parent would spread lies about 7th grade lacrosse on here like they have is unfathomable. They need to require a login with your name instead of anonymous posting. Guaranteed that would change how people behave on here.
Point out the lies if you are so offended? List them. I'll wait.

Lie #1: Coppermine players intentionally flop
Lie#2: Coppermine Coaches teach players in practice to flop
Lie#3: 4 Players signing up for M&D tryouts

More truths than lies

Why would girls / families leave the best team for a weaker team. Don’t say recruiting either. Coppermine will be fine helping top players get recruited. Coaches find lots of good players that don’t wear M&D jerseys. Coppermine plays a fast physical style that’s better than M&D at that age too.

I’m not sure how this became about comparing M&D to Coppermine. But GENERALLY SPEAKING, plenty of players would leave a team that is winning, possibly only by a margin of only 1 or 2 goals, for another team that is also good if they felt there were better opportunities for them to develop as a player or play a significant role.

As we get towards recruiting age, people are going to care a lot less about championships and winning every single game and more about the future. Just look at the older forums on BOTC, very little bickering about which club team is better, more talk about recruiting, showcases, etc. Priorities will shift and teams will change.

I’m glad if your DD feels she has a good fit and is celebrating a championship. But everyone has a different experience and different priorities, even on winning teams.

Can't like this post enough, very well said. Sure winning is fun and all, but there's more to just winning trophies and t shirts. Maybe more will see and understand that and maybe some won't.
Just make sure the team you play on during the recruiting years believes in equal playing time. Its not about wins anymore. All players should be seeing equal time on the field in front of college coaches. My daughter played on an M&D team that did not do this. To watch players sit while the coaches that came to watch them play were on the sidelines was terrible. Coaches didn't care at all ever, it was all about getting the top 5 on the team recruited, and then they worried about the rest, for some when it was too late. Talk to coaches, talk to directors. From here on out it is 95% showcases(except Lax for the Cure).

Must have been a while ago. The recruiting at M&D for 22/23/24 all did really well.
It was not awhile ago and was not Red. Like I said, make sure you have conversations first before going to M&D.

This would be same at all clubs. The big 3 all have very good records at helping players find homes. Not sure why you’re bashing M&D. Looks like they were really good at getting all recruited the past few years. Every team and program has an exception. Doesn’t mean everyone else will end up like your daughter.