Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Weather is looking bad this weekend at Hershey...any chance they will cancel tourney?

Any guess on when we will get an update, besides just their inclement weather policy?

They have to have some idea of what the chances are that the fields will be playable based on the forecasted rain after the past 2 days of rain.
Never been to Ridge Road Soccer Park. Hopefully, the fields have good drainage. Would [Censored] to cancel games after many teams have traveled hundreds of miles. Luckily we're only 1.5 hrs. away and can drive daily.

The 28s having early games means hotels for a lot of people, even those who are semi-local. The 3 days of rain prior to a weekend of rain is what is making things worse, regardless of the drainage quality.
We had reservations for the weekend but cancelled yesterday. Didn't want to risk getting stuck with a hotel bill if the games were cancelled.