Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
What positions will M&D Black be in need of come tryouts?

Seeing some of their summer results, looks like their offense could be in need.

Problem is all 3 coaches kids play attack so not a lot of minutes available there. Girls that were on the bench most were attackers. Same problem at Coppermine. You have 4 offensive players (middies and one attack) that never leave the field so have 8 more attackers fighting for 3 attacker spot minutes.

There’s a lot of misinformation in this comment about MnD (can’t speak for Coppermine). We do have 3 coaches, but only 2 of them have daughters on the team. (Our third coach is a young woman who does not have a 14 year old!) It is true that the 2 coaches’ daughters are attackers, but it isn’t true that they never leave the field. Playing time is not equal, so there have been games when they haven’t been subbed out, but those have been tight games or games we were trying to win. It isn’t true though that they never come off.