Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Read threads from grad years above the 28s. All the talk about winning, losing, and rankings ends pretty abruptly when spring of HS starts.

"Enjoy" all of this now, because it won't matter a bit in a year (not that it ever did). Focusing on getting recruiting will be the goal. And the coaches don't give a [Censored] about rankings or the best team. D1 players come from teams ranked 1 - 100.

Except there are 20 each recruited from Hero's, M&D, Capital, etc, and maybe one or two from teams over 50 in the rankings. And college coaches are watching the A brackets at the tourneys. So relative strength will continue to matter for recruiting.

You couldn’t be more wrong on this one!

The OP is absolutely correct. When you get to the recruiting tournies you will see top college coaches at the top bracket the whole time. When other brackets show up they tend to file out ! Look at the big 3 in MD the past couple years. They have 90% committed by now and really good school. MDU , TLC , Coppermine all working to get kids into low level d1 still and most looking D2 and d3. I do it see it changing as Sw 26-28 talent is not impressive and they will join that mix.
Recruiting is way more than tournaments. There are Prospect camps, ID camps, sending coaches film, staying in touch with them, sending them tourney info, etc... Stand out at their prospect/ID camps and they will come watch the girls play.