Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Be power rankings:
1- Hero’s
2- Yellow Jackets
3- Eagle Stix
4- Coppermine
5- Crush
6- M&D
7- Aces
8- Mass Elite Red
9- MD United
10- Steps Elite New Jersey

Must be a Heros dad. If you lose to YJ you are ranked behind them.

Yellow Jackets looks like the number 1 team. Coppermine needs to figure out all that talent they have. Eagle stix and M&D continue to slide down.
“Coppermine needs to figure out all that talent they have.” Which talent are you referring to? There are only 2.5 talented offensive players on this team!

Let's be honest, it's only a matter of time before they move to M&D or Hero's