Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Play Off Scenarios:
Coppermine beats MDU AND pride M&D Beats Heros:

1)Coppermine (8-0)
2)Crush (7-1)
3)M&D (7-1)

4) 3 Way tie with Heros, MDU, AND Pride. MDU and Heros are neck and Neck with GA so it will be a tight finish.

Coppermine beats MDU and pride AND Heros beats M&D:

1)Coppermine (8-0)
2)Crush (7-1)
3)Heros (7-1)

4) 3 way tie with MDU, M&D and Pride. Because it is a 3 way tie, head to head doesn't matter so GA is the stat again and MDU should have that one unless coppermine scores a lot on them (unlikely).

Coppermine Loses to MDU but Beats pride

1) Crush (7-1) gets #1 spot based on goals allowed even though they lost to coppermine
2) MDU (7-1) (currently hast the 2nd lowest GA)
3) Coppermine (7-1)
4) Winner of Heros /M&D game takes 4th spot.

Coppermine beats MDU but loses to pride
Crush (7-1)
Coppermine (7-1)
Winner of Heros/M&D Game
Pride (7-1)

E) Coppermine loses to MDU and Pride

1) Crush (7-1)
2) MDU (7-1)
3) Winner Heros Green/ M&D (7-1)
4) Pride (7-1)


M&D beats Hero's Green
Coppermine loses to MDU and Pride

Playoff teams:

#1 Crush
#2 MDU
#3 M&D
#4 Pride

Crush over Pride
MDU over M&D

MDU over Crush

Prediction brought to you by trolling Coppermine parent.

How is that trolling Coppermine? Because they didn’t crown them the winner?

Coppermine has lost one game this entire year since Fall. Now they are going to lose two games in one day and fail to make the playoffs for the first time ever? No parent from any other team would make such a ridiculous prediction so safe to assume it is a troll by someone from Coppermine looking for the exact attention they are now getting. I didn't post the original "prediction brought to you....." but was thinking it. Okay, enough attention for them. Good luck to all the teams this weekend.