Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Rankings don't matter is the new talking point? Don't you think they will know we are gaslighting?

But...ranking don't matter. It matters whether you play on a good team that plays good competition - as it always has. College coaches don't care about the rankings and it's usually the same groups of teams in the top tournament divisions.

Whether you lost 5 points scoring 15 goals on some low-ranking team or 2 to bump you up or down a spot doesn't matter. How do people not see doing a SM push every week to get people to check out the "new rankings" on a page plastered with ads, which BTW look almost identical to last weeks rankings, is click bait?

As imperfect as they may be, the rankings are the best measure of good teams and good competition. Almost everyone in the sport uses them, including tournament directors who use them to group teams appropriately. To suggest they don't matter is ridiculous.