Originally Posted by Anonymous
Some other 2024 teams ranked between 15-30.

Aim - 13 uncommitted
Dewlax - 13 uncommitted
LI Liberty - 11 uncommitted
Mad dog - 11 uncommitted
Cav lax - 13 uncommitted

The top 5 2024 teams - 10 uncommitted for all 5 teams

The #1 2024 team M&D has every kid recruited and 3 quarters to top 25 but only 8-12 were very highly sought after and will play key roles in college. For the weaker teams, 1-2 kids (maybe closer to 2-3 kids) per team will be highly sought after and play key roles on their respective college teams unless they decide to go to weaker D1 programs.

It makes a difference to how many players are being watched, the caliber of player, the opportunities on the field and the Maryland teams will lose their dominance over the next few years. The weaker Maryland teams won’t draw impactful players and will slip significantly in rankings as they stagnate with the players they currently have.

Capital Blue will be one of those teams catching weaker Maryland teams.

That's fine, but I was calling out the "1-2 players" reference in the OP. Let's not move the goal posts.