Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Maybe they misheard? Only rumors I have heard are that M&D West may end up folding with many girls looking elsewhere.

This is not surprising. Their HC is shady AF. Stay away from this guy.

All the M&D male coaches at 28 and 29. They have no idea how to coach young girls. That’s why they are leaving 28 and the 29s
Don’t like the 29 guy that favors his dd.

C’mon. The previous poster called the M&D West HC shady. I don’t know the guy so I can’t speak to that, but my daughter is on 28 black and the coaches are both nice, normal guys. You have no clue what you are talking about and starting rumors of those coaches being ‘shady’ is completely uncalled for. Shame on you.