Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
So...50 of the 2026 UA 150 from MD (that's one-third from one state), and 11 from VA. I don't think those numbers will do anything but bolster the high degree of confidence expressed on this board in the quality of play in the region.

Even as lacrosse grows in the South and West, it appears that the Mid-Atlantic hotbed will remain highly-relevant nationally.

Not a good measuring stick anymore as 150 is watered down due to competition from Juniors Open. There are M&D red and SW white players on it. And I think only 1 player from the top YJ team at 2026.

Juniors Open is same weekend and draws the top NY/NJ players. And it looks like it is gaining more traction with MD/VA since it appears there are at least 10 M&D black and Heros green players on the 2026 open rosters. And I bet some families only picked UA 150 over JO because it is local and cheaper.

Having done both , there is no difference in talent. UA 150
Had lots more coaches attend and it is nice to play at home at less cost.