Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Guess the Express teams ranking of number 2 in the “World” lasted 10 day with a terrible showing at the Millon tournament. They struggled in every game.

They went 4-1. Got to the semis & lost to a very good team that went on to win the championship. Not a exactly a terrible showing.

The only terrible showing was by the outlaws during the Express game and then the following day they get into a fight during a game. They are a poor excuse for a team, blame the coaches because they are not teaching the kids the game, especially the coach that feels it's ok to go across the field not once but 2x a game to call out people. And some of the parents - holy crap you need to grow up and stop screaming at kids and coaches4az

I guess we should ignore the fight express had in the first game against Texas I guess we should ignore the express parents yelling at 13 year old players on the field (reason why coach went over and ask you to stop). I guess we should ignore the express mom asking the Outlaw mom to stand up and fight. How do your coaches teach the game? Boys, this weekend your all benched for the tournament because we going to bring down our 2022’s and play, so watch and learn. Should we ignore that also? Having older kids play tends to make coaches look better. I guess your leadership is what we should aspire to follow.