Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Shore 2 Shore is a national team? Since when?

The only reason S2S is not on the list is because, up until this year, the club was comprised of one team. They will be at the qualifier, will be noticed and be on peoples radar for the future. No point is debating national, local, irrelevant, best, etc. The regional qualifiers will come soon enough and the four or six best teams on that weekend will be eligible to go to Denver.

By the way, it is an extremely expensive trip. I think Express is quoting an extra $8,500 if the player goes. I have heard from others it is at least $6,000 but, if you can afford it or think it is worth it, it is one of the greatest experiences for the player and the family. Even if you don't make the finals.

And that's other thing about having multiple age ineligible players. [/quote]

STS is aware that birth certificates need to be verified for qualifier right. That is why Igloo moved a player that is on STS. Too old. We know they have a few.[/quote]

STS is eligible for Denver.[/quote]

So are the Crabs, Dukes, laxachusetts, mustangs, and West coast starts. They just all have to leave their holdbacks at home. [/quote]

In that case STS won't have enough players to fill the roster ...... unless they pull from their B team