Does my son enjoy playing? Yes
Has it been a great experience for him? Yes
Has the lax team brought in an entirely new circle of friends? Yes (for both he and I)
Is he getting high quality coaching? Yes
Am I willing to pay for that? Yes
Do I think club lacrosse teams should make money? Of course, it’s a business.

Is his team winning tournaments? No, but reasonably competitive
Can his team beat up on the big teams? No
Do I fault those big teams for being deeper in talent? No
Could my son play and start for one of those teams? Yes (but I’m not from Long Island, nor willing to commute to practices out there)

Have I accepted that 2023 is not age-based, that ages vary, and my son must face older/bigger kids? Yes, in fact doing that is exactly what has made him a stronger and more competitive player over the years. If he had played down and beat up on younger kids, I am confident that he wouldn’t be the player he is today.

Do I agree that hold-backs by manipulative parents is an issue? Yes, but I’m got bigger things to worry about in life.
Good luck to any of you heading to Denver this travels