Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
Originally Posted by Anonymous
I'm going to ask two simple questions to True Blue parents and hope I get an honest response. But seeing what true blue parents are posting ihere my bet is that I will get a name calling answer. Do you think it is a conflict of interest for the owner of true blue/the coach of the 2023 team to be giving private lessons to certain members of the 2023 team for an extra fee? Also Do you think it would cause favoritism to those kids who pay the extra fee as opposed to the kids that are not paying the extra fee for the private lessons?

First off, what proof do you have that it is a TB parent making these comments? 99% of the posts are anonymous. This site is a troll's wet dream.
To answer your question, as a parent of a TB player, it is possible that there might be a conflict of interest. It would be foolish for the coaches to jeopardize the teams' chance at winning and becoming a desirable club to play for by favoring a potentially less skilled player because he takes lessons from the director. However, every club has it's "extras" at a price. Shooting/defense clinics, box lacrosse, optional training, etc. Additional training for a fee is not TB exclusive. It is par for the course in the club lacrosse scene.
Let's be realistic here. You asked these "simple questions" not to get an intelligent answer or to gain any useful information. You are just trying to stir the pot trying to seem as if you are not doing so. Which team does your son play for?

Stir the pot or point out that negative things going on with a club may not be obvious? To answer your question I won't say which team because I'm not on here boasting about the teams ever and am smart enough to know that any team I mention will be torn apart. I would not subject myself and other parents on the team to that. We all do a good job not posting about our teams to avoid what you are going through. But my kids all play for a team that is considered in the top three in their respective years and each Is considered a AA team by those who use that term(I don't use that term). They all start too. But that makes no difference. You answered my question with an answer you can't possibly believe. Good luck to you.

So your feeble attempt to ridicule TB is acceptable, yet you don't want to open yourself up to the same treatment? Kick rocks fella. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. You obviously have a vendetta. No one, who doesn't have an axe to grind, would bother posting what you posted. Your posts tell more about you than the team you are trying to slander.